Friday, December 21, 2012

To My Favorite Digital Media Teacher....

Merry Christmas Ms.Martinez

This teacher is not an ordinary teacher, but shes a teacher that has the will to teach others the ways of digital media. We take that for granted but some of us push throught the insipiness of others. This marvelous teacher come here to NorthDallas high school to us and we should be honor since comes from the facuilty of Richmond College, so this stupid school and staff should be honor for this teacher. Who cares if she get a zero on her reviews these people should be HONERED !
Most people don't realize and apreciate the teachers that give out the most effort. There are some teachers that don't give in any effort into their students what so ever. This teacher should be rewarded for her great work. She gives in 100% each and everyday and each student and staff should realize that.

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