Monday, March 18, 2013

My spring break went well. I got alot of needed sleep and had time to myself. On Monday i went to the aquarium with some of my friends and it was my first time going there. Then after that Monday i spent my spring on physical workouts for soccer. I want to get better so I ran sprints, did soccer drills, and played alot f soccer games. But most importantly i got to spend time with my friends. Oh yea i forgot, my friend got into a fight and won and i was the camera man.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Money Sloves everything

How do you get a teenager to volunteer to quit Facebook? Apparently, with cold, hard cash. A Boston father is paying his 14-year-old daughter $200 to quit using the social site for almost five months, according to a post on his blog. On Tuesday, Paul Baier, a research consultant from Boston, posted an image of a "Facebook Deactivation Agreement" with his daughter, Rachel. Facebook users envious of friends Facebook unveils upgraded search tool "Her idea which I support fully," he wrote. In the signed agreement, his daughter agrees to deactivate Facebook from this past Monday until June 26 (which, perhaps notably, would be well into summer break for most schools). In return, he'll give her $50 in April and the remaining $150 in June. Baier gets access to change her password and deactivate the account. Rachel's one-word response on the line asking what she'll use the money for: "Stuff." On the post, several people have praised or belittled the plan. One poster, in the shameless manner not unknown on the Web, called Baier an "idiot." "Why not try something called 'parenting'. It's more difficult than bribery but will more beneficial to your daughter in the long run," the person wrote. But Kent Wellington, who describes himself as a friend of Baier's, responded. "He's a good guy and good parent. Regardless, there's nothing wrong with a parent being proactive with their kids in the area of social media," Wellington wrote. "I'm sure the dialog that lead up to the agreement was as valuable as the contract." Rachel may be in good company. A recent report from the Pew Research Center says 61% of Facebook users have taken a break from the site for a few weeks or more

Tuesday, February 5, 2013's homepage is back after a rare outage that left the site inaccessible for about an hour on Thursday afternoon. Around 2:30 p.m. ET, users began complaining that they weren't able to access's homepage. Some were able to get to other parts of Amazon's site, and the mobile app appeared to be unscathed. Amazon-owned properties like Zappos and IMDB were also unaffected. Amazon (AMZN, Fortune 500) released a short statement confirming that its "gateway page" was down for "some customers for approximately 49 minutes." According to data from Web performance monitoring firm Apica, Amazon's homepage went down at 2:32 p.m. and was back by 3:21. The outage was short, but it's extremely rare for to crash. Amazon depends on heavy e-commerce traffic, especially around the holidays, so it has famously massive server capacity to handle traffic spikes. Even a few minutes of downtime can cost the company millions. Its powerful "elastic" infrastructure, called EC2, is designed to minimize downtime as much as possible. Amazon also runs a sideline business, called Amazon Web Services, hosting other websites. Amazon Web Services remained unaffected by Thursday's outage, according to Amazon's status dashboard. It was a day of Internet glitches. Twitter also suffered intermittent outages for about three hours on Thursday. To top of page

Friday, February 1, 2013

Want to fly private? A company called BlackJet is looking to bring private aviation -- normally reserved for the ultra-wealthy -- to the masses. At Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, BlackJet CEO Dean Rotchin spoke with CNNMoney aboard a private jet known as the Challenger 300. It seats eight passengers and would normally cost upwards of $20,000 for a coast-to-coast flight. Using BlackJet, a customer can book a seat on the plane for $3,500. It's not cheap, but it's far less than the going price for the whole plane. Rotchin, who has been in the private plane industry for 15 years, hopes to pioneer this "semi-private" class of flying. His company charters flights from carriers like JetSelect and sells the high-end seats individually. "The airlines are creating affordability by selling seats," Rotchin says. "We created affordability by taking the seat model used by the airlines and applying it for the first time to private aviation."

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

Facebook and Google are battling it out to dominate your smartphone time and, for now, Facebook is winning.
According to the latest stats from comScore, Facebook was the most popular mobile app in the United States in 2012. The Google Maps app held the top position until October, when Apple rolled out its latest mobile operating system, iOS 6, and replaced the built-in Google Maps app with its own, less accurate version.
Of course, Facebook also had a hand in its own success. Its number of monthly unique visitors rose steadily over the course of the year. In August, the company rolled out a long overdue revamp of its iOS mobile app for iPhone and iPads, significantly speeding up the launch, scroll and browsing times. User reviews in Apple's App Store shot up as a result, and in December the company followed up with a better version of its Android app.
Study: Some Facebook users envious
Facebook started 2012 facing criticisms of its mobile strategy, and while there are still lingering questions about how it will make money off of mobile, these stats show its adept at transferring the Facebook experience to tablets and smartphones.
People aren't just opening their Facebook app the most, they're spending astonishingly large chunks of time in the app, poking around and reading up on their friends. The social network's app was the single largest, single app time suck, accounting for 23% of the time people spend using mobile apps, according to comScore. Instagram was a distant second accounting for just 3% of the time people spend in apps. Google's app with the most engagement was Gmail, but in total 10% of users' time was spent across various Google apps.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A significant rise in smartphone attacks is predicted every year, and it hasn't happened yet. But that isn't stopping major security firms from saying this will be the year that phones will finally emerge as a major target for cybercriminals. There are many reasons why smartphones are vulnerable. For one, they run most of the same software that smartphone users also use on their computers. Smartphones also have many additional capabilities that hackers can exploit. They can connect to other potentially vulnerable devices using Bluetooth and send and receive text messages, for example.
But smartphones are also increasingly being used as mobile wallets. That's why cybersecurity experts believe mobile payment systems are likely to be the next big target for cybercriminals.
According to research from Juniper Networks (JNPR), 300 million smartphones around the world will be equipped with the near-field communications (NFC) chips needed for mobile payments. Juniper predicts global NFC transactions will total nearly $50 billion this year.